To be modern & gorgeous buildings we decorate with the match design / the harmony color of the following items.
Emulsion Painting, Enamel Painting & Polishing Works (Wall, Ceiling, Parquet Floor, T&G Floor, Door & Window Chowket, Door & Window Leaves, Mosquito Net Leaves,Iron Grill, Steel etc.)
Plain & Design Ceiling Works (Wooden Design, T&G Ceiling, Plaster Board, Plaster Cornice, Prima Board, Viva Board, Gypsum Board, AC Sheet, etc.)
Floor Parquet Works (Teak, Pyingadoe, etc.) included Sanding & Polishing.
go to websiteN.Y.C constructs the modern & gorgeous residential buildings, Industrial Buildings, Schools, Office, Commercial Building and Healthcare Buildings. We also constructs for Hotels and Resorts, Religious structures and Educational structures, Roads and Bridges as well.